cohort design exhibition

cohort design exhibition
​​​​​​​Identity Design, Print Collateral, Custom Type, Editorial Design

Cohort is a design exhibition created by four seniors to house a compilation of work over the course of our time studying Graphic Design. Each piece of the exhibition allowed our passions to thrive. The name cohort originated from a long brainstorming process, that ended on us focusing on a word that encapsulates us as a group. Cohort by definition means: a group of people banded together. We wanted to focus on our like experiences, considering they are the reason we are where we are. 

To keep the design clean and simple, we stuck with a simple logotype and extensive color palette. We chose a unifying color for the main brand, but we treated each individual involved as their own sub-brand. The color palette made it easier to distinguish us as individuals, while uniting us under the custom patterning made from pieces of the typeface.  

The cohort sans typeface was designed specifically for the exhibition. The clean lines and rounded sans serif type reflects the modern essence of the show while also being friendly and welcoming.  

The book was designed solely as a gift to each other. It houses small parts of the show to remind us about a small part of our senior year. The book contains parting letters we wrote each other, our personal bios, and the short synopsis/thank you of the show. 
cohort design exhibition